Why Is Getting Your Trademark Searched Important?

Trademark search identifies potential conflicts and prevents legal issues that could jeopardize your hard-earned reputation.

Save Time

Registering your trademark now can prevent future legal battles and disputes, saving you valuable time and resources.

Save Money

It minimizes the risks of costly legal battles, including hefty litigation expenses and potential damages.

Protection from Imitators

It is a strong deterrent that safeguards against infringements on what you've built. Protect your brand now!

Budget-Friendly Free Trademark Packages

Our expert guidance and transparent pricing ensure a seamless, comprehensive trademark process without financial strain.

Federal and State Search

Starting from

Perform a comprehensive trademark search on the USPTO and all 50 states. Receive a detailed report of similar trademarks across different classes and subclasses related to your brand, slogan, or logo.

Federal, State & Common Law Search

Starting from

It is crucial to determine if your mark is already in use. Our search covers Federal, State, and Common Law sources and helps you locate potential existing usage.

Global Search

Starting from

Our search covers Federal, State, and Common Law, as well as international databases, including Canada, the United Kingdom, the European Union, and WIPO.

What Clients Have to Say About Us

We take pride in the positive feedback we receive, as it reflects our commitment to delivering excellence.

Highly recommended!

Swift Brand Mark is a lifesaver for our business. We wanted to get our brand trademarked, and their experts filed our application to the USPTO in a seamless process. Highly recommended!

Ethan Jones CEO of Vision Heights

Thank you!

We wanted to check if our trademark name is similar to our competitors. So, we approached Swift Brand Mark for a comprehensive search. They provided us with a detailed report in no time.

Richard Smith Manager at Prism

Highly impressed!

I was really worried about my creative work getting infringed on. That's when I stumbled upon Swift Brand Mark. Their experts registered my copyright, ensuring my work is legally protected.

Melissa Keith CEO of Denver Skyline

Well Deserved!

Thanks to Swift Brand Mark, their prompt monitoring alerts helped us detect infringements early and protect our brand from potential threats. If you're seeking a trustworthy agency, look no further!

Sierra Patrick Project Lead at NeoTech

Protect Your Identity: Get a Free Trademark Search Today!

Free Trademark Search FAQs

If you have any queries, get answers to your questions here!

  • Is the free trademark search service truly comprehensive?

  • What details must I provide to get the free search?

  • Can I register a trademark officially using the results of the free search?

  • How reliable and accurate are the results of the free trademark search?

  • What kinds of conflicts does the free search uncover?

Ready to Protect
Your Brand?

Get in touch with our experts to protect your brand from potential infringements. For more info, contact our support team now.

Start your Trademark Registration Now

Providing you the perfect solution for your business needs.

starting at $49 only

Register your trademark and save yourself from the risk of losing thousands of dollars in lawsuits and rebranding efforts.